Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lari Pittman

Lari Pittman, Untitled #7, 2007, canvas
          I believe that the purpose of the artwork in the  Art 21: Lari Pittman video is to make the viewers see the world in another way. He paints and draws about different aspects of the American society and privileges that some have. Some of is work is based off of the hatred that is often directed towards homosexual individuals by society and our government. For this I also believe that his work gives viewers a sense of hope that one day society will accept and support all kinds of marriages and relationships, along with moving away from being corrupted. Not only does his address very serious topics, but he also draws attention to things in society that matter like the world around us. For example he put the focus of a painting on the cactus plants that he walks by every morning and the beauty that they have. Another role of art is to balance us. Though I don't believe his work balance society is a politically correct way, by him drawing the attention of the public to viewers or topics of our corrupt world, there is a chance for change and that gives us hope that society could change. If not his art shows us the destruction that lies ahead of us. Though this is my first time viewing the artwork done b Pittman, I found the art to be dynamic and intriguing. I love that he can proudly address hot debated topics in society and apply technique and purpose back to other aspects of life.

Larri Pittman Flying Carpet with Petri Dishes for a Disturbed Nation, 2013, canvas


  1. Kate, this does not, at all, respond to the prompt. Unless you follow instructions and meet all of the minimum requirements, I cannot give you any credit. You will have to show greater initiative and engagement if you hope to receive a passing grade for this part of the course.

  2. I made some corrections and added some detail to my response. I don't understand how it did not respond to the prompt. I pulled information directly out of the sources to make the connections. I also went off of my personal interpretation of the artist and his work and what I got from the video. I believe that art is open to different views and interpretations and in this post I described mine to the best of my ability based on the videos give and what I understood from them. I also feel that I put forth a lot of effort, engagement, and initiative in this course and have put thought and work into all of the assignments I have done.
